Software Architect
(C4i Technologies Inc has openings in Katy, TX)
Software Architect: Develop and implement software architecture. Act as a Subject Matter Expert for end-to-end software architecture. Collaborate with teams to analyze business requirements and recommend technical solutions. Collaborate with solution architects to leverage existing technologies. Translate business requirements into technical specifications and develop the software architecture accordingly. Drive project lifecycle stages from scope definition to production deployment. Will work in various unanticipated locations throughout the U.S.
Requires Master’s in Computer Science, Engineering, or related and 1 year experience or Bachelor’s in Computer Science, Engineering, or related and 5 years progressive experience.
Send resume to C4i Technologies Inc 26606 Cook Field Rd, Ste 400, Katy, TX 77494 or
Software Engineer
Job Title:Software Engineer
Duties:Design, develop, customize, create or modify applications. Maintain and update software systems. Write code, test, debug and troubleshoot applications. Evaluate technical and functional specifications to provide software solutions. Deploy and support applications.
Requirements: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in computer science, engineering, business administration or IT related fields. Offered Wage: $130,000.00/year, plus standard company benefits such as: Health Insurance, PTO, 401K.
Mail resume to HR Manager, 26606 Cook Field Road, Suite 400, Katy, TX 77494
Software Architect (Job Code 001)
(C4i Technologies Inc has openings in Katy, TX) Software Architect (Job Code 001): Develop cloud architecture and implement enterprise stack on public cloud leveraging Operating System (OS), multi-tenancy, virtualization, orchestration, elasticity, scalability, containerization, and serverless functions. Act as a Subject Matter Expert for cloud end-to-end architecture, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), networking, provisioning, and management. Develop solutions architecture and evaluate architectural alternatives for private, public, and hybrid cloud models. Develop a library of deployable and documented cloud design patterns. Develop a Point of View for demonstrating the concept in rapid development mode on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Guide junior engineers in developing the minimum viable product (MVP) solutions. Collaborate with teams and business partners to understand and analyze business requirements and processes and recommend solutions. Suggest technical solutions to meet business requirements efficiently with greater reusability and long term vision. Collaborate with solution architects to leverage existing technologies. Translate the business requirements into technical requirements and develop the cloud architecture to meet the technical and business requirements. Drive scope definition, requirements analysis, functional and technical design, application build, product configuration, unit testing, and production deployment. Provide technical expertise and ownership in the diagnosis and resolution of an issue. Provide support, technical governance, and expertise related to cloud architecture, deployment, and operations. Provide thought leadership through whitepapers, blogs, and presentations. Maintain overall industry knowledge on latest trends and technology. Utilize Agile, Jira, Scrum, Sprint, AWS, and GCP. Will work in unanticipated locations.
Requires Master’s in Computer Science, Engineering (any field), or related and 1 year experience or Bachelor’s in Computer Science, Engineering (any field), or related and 5 years progressive experience. Send resume to C4i Technologies Inc 26606 Cook Field Rd, Ste 400, Katy, TX 77494 or
C4I Technologies INC Named Best Managed IT Service Provider in Houston by, a leading independent review website for small business online tools, products, and services, has named C4I Technologies INC among the best managed IT services in Houston’s for 2021. The top firms were evaluated based on multiple service lines, size of firm, and industry focus.
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C4i uses BizOps, a data-driven approach to decision making, aligning IT efforts with business outcomes. For the purpose of supporting and promoting the discipline of business analysis, C4i uses the best practices promoted by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). Our development and deployment framework for enterprise-wide application development, customization, are service-centric using a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business and to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality, uses DevOps judiciously. C4i embraces as an architecture framework, The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) for enterprise architecture providing an industry-standard approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing enterprise information technology architecture.
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Create TCP/UDP Internal Load Balancer (ILB) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using managed and unmanaged instance groups
Creating Internal Load Balancer in Google Cloud Platform is easy and it is used to distribute the load across VM instances. In this guide we will see how to create TCP/UDP Load Balancer using managed and unmanaged instances.
1) Gcloud SDK must be installed in your local
2) Login to your designated gcp project
3) User or Service Account must have required IAM roles to create ILB
Create TCP/UDP ILB using Managed Instance group
Google’s managed instance group are the group of identical VM instances created using an instance template. These VM instances can be in different zones (regional) but with same region when multi zone is enabled while creating managed instance group(MIG). As by the name managed, this group has some important features like autoscaling, auto-healing, Rolling out updates.
To Create ILB, Follow the below steps sequentially
1) Create Managed Instance group using commandline or GUI or Google deployment manager or rest API
2) Create TCP heath check using below command line
gcloud compute health-checks create tcp <health-check-name> --description="Health check: TCP <port>" --check-interval=5s --timeout=5s --healthy-threshold=2 --unhealthy-threshold=2 --port=<port> --proxy-header=NONE --region=<health-check-region>
3) Create a backed service using below command line
gcloud compute backend-services create <backend-service-name> --load-balancing-scheme internal --health-checks <health-check-name> --protocol tcp --region <backend-service-region>
4) Assign the created managed instance group to the created backend service
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend <backend-service-name> --instance-group <instance-group-name> --instance-group-region=<instance-group-region> --region <backend-service-region>
5) Create a forwarding rule using below command line
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create <forwarding-rule-name> --load-balancing-scheme internal --address <ILB ip address> --ports <port> --subnet <full path of subnet> --region <forwarding rule region> --backend-service <backend-service-name>
Note: Managed instance group, backend service and forwarding rule must be in same region
Create TCP/UDP ILB using Unmanaged Instance group
An unmanaged instance group is a collection of user created/managed VM instances that are created in a same zone, VPC network, and subnet. Unmanaged instances will not have same instance template. We need to manually add user created/managed VM instances into unmanaged instance groups
To Create ILB, Follow the below steps sequentially
1) Assumed User created/managed instances are up and running. Then create Unmanaged instance group using below command line
gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create <instance-group-name-1> --zone=<zone1> gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create <instance-group-name-2> --zone=<zone2>
2) Add User created/managed instances to the created instance groups
gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances <instance-group-name-1> --instances <instance-name-1>,<instance-name-2> --zone=<zone1> gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances instance-group-name-2> --instances <instance-name-3>,<instance-name-4> --zone=<zone2>
Note: Unmanaged instance group will be created only with same zone instances
3) Verify User created/managed instances are grouped under unmanaged instance group by using below command line
gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged list-instances <instance-group-name-1> --zone=<zone1> gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged list-instances <instance-group-name-2> --zone=<zone2>
4) Create TCP heath check using below command line
gcloud compute health-checks create tcp <health-check-name> --description="Health check: TCP <port>" --check-interval=5s --timeout=5s --healthy-threshold=2 --unhealthy-threshold=2 --port=<port> --proxy-header=NONE --region=<health-check-region>
5) Create a backed service using below command line
gcloud compute backend-services create <backend-service-name> --load-balancing-scheme internal --health-checks <health-check-name> --protocol tcp --region <backend-service-region>
6) Assign the created unmanaged instance groups to the created backend service
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend <backend-service-name> --instance-group <instance-group-name-1> --instance-group-zone <instance-group-zone-1> --region <backend-service-region> gcloud compute backend-services add-backend <backend-service-name> --instance-group <instance-group-name-2> --instance-group-zone <instance-group-zone-2> --region <backend-service-region>Create a forwarding rule using below command line
7) Create a forwarding rule using below command line
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create <forwarding-rule-name> --load-balancing-scheme internal --address <ILB ip address> --ports <port> --subnet <full path of subnet> --region <forwarding rule region> --backend-service <backend-service-name>
Note: Unmanaged instance group, backend service and forwarding rule must be in same region
HTTP Liveness and Readiness Probe in Kubernetes Deployment
Liveness and Readiness probes are required in Kubernetes to prevent deadlock of your application deployed and zero missing request while pod is initializing. When probe is configured in deployment, each pod will go through probe conditions.
Liveness and readiness probes will be applicable to new pod which is created by horizontal pod autoscaling (hpa)
We are going to learn how to configure probes in kubernetes deployment:
Liveness probe: It will take care of the container when it is in deadlock or application not running by restarting container
Readiness probe: It will take care of the pod when to join the service to serve traffic
1) kubectl cli should be installed in your local
2) Connect to the kubernetes cluster
3) /health API should be enabled in application
4) Configmaps related to deployment should be deployed before deployment
Configure the liveness and readiness probe in the deployment yaml
Liveness probe:
livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3
Liveness probe should be configured under template.spec.containers section
Readiness probe:
readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3
Readiness probe configuration is similar to liveness probe and should be configured under template.spec.containers section
Sample Deployment Yaml with probes:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: Myapp-deployment labels: apptype: java spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: apptype: java tier: web template: metadata: labels: apptype: java tier: web spec: containers: - name: [container name] image: [image from any container registry] command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["java -Xmx2g -Xss256k -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/my-heap-dump.hprof -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:/var/log/myAppgc.log -jar [application.jar] --spring.config.location=[absolute path of the config maps mounted] "] ports: - containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts: - name: appconfig mountPath: "/config/application" readOnly: true livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3 volumes: - name: appconfig configMap: name: [configmap-name]
Note: InitialDelaySeconds need to be higher value than application start up time
Here are the few fields we need to consider while configuring probes:
- initialDelaySeconds: Number of seconds after probe will start
- periodSeconds: gap between probe start
- timeoutSeconds: probe time out
- successThreshold: number of success probes after failure
- failureThreshold: Waiting time to perform restart container(Liveness Probe) and marking container unready(Readiness Probe)
- scheme: HTTP or HTTPS Defaults to HTTP.
- path: Path to access on the endpoint
- port: port to access on the container
Save the above mentioned deployment yaml and deploy it in kubernetes cluster by executing the below command
kubectl apply -f [deployment.yaml]
Configure Pod Anti-affinity and Pod Disruption Budget in Kubernetes deployment for High availability
High availability (HA) is the ability to make our application continuously operational for a desirably long length of time. By configuring Pod Anti-affinity and Pod disruption budget together will make stateful or stateless application pods to highly available during any of the below scenarios:
1) Any one node is unavailable or under maintenance
2) cluster administrator deletes kubernetes node by mistake
3) cloud provider or hypervisor failure makes kubernetes node disappear
4) Cluster administrator/User deletes your application pods by mistake
In this blog, We are going to configure pod anti-affinity and Pod disruption budget for kubernetes deployment
1) kubectl cli should be installed in your local
2) Connect to the kubernetes cluster
3) Configmaps related to deployment should be deployed before deployment
Pod Anti-affinity:
Pod Anti-affinity: It help us not to schedule same type of pod in one node which means you will have only one pod in one node and other same type pod in another node. Hence scheduler will never co-locate the same type of pod in the same node
For Example, if three pods of same deployment(replicas=3) are in one node and that node has crashed or unavailable, then our application will be impacted. When pod anti-affinity is configured, one node failure/unavailable will not impact the whole application.
1) Configure the below snippet under template.spec in the application deployment yaml
affinity: podAntiAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - myapp topologyKey: ""
Note: Above Pod Anti-affinity snippet uses Selector to match with key app in value myapp and uses node labels
2) Sample deployment yaml with pod anti-affinity:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: myapp labels: apptype: java app: myapp spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: myapp apptype: java template: metadata: labels: apptype: java app: myapp spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - myapp topologyKey: "" containers: - name: [container-name] image: [image from any container registry] command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["java -Xmx2g -Xss256k -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/my-heap-dump.hprof -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:/var/log/myAppgc.log -jar [application.jar] --spring.config.location=[absolute path of the config map eg. /config/application/[]] "] ports: - containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts: - name: appconfig mountPath: "/config/application" readOnly: true volumes: - name: appconfig configMap: name: [configmap-name]
3) Save the above mentioned deployment yaml and deploy it in kubernetes cluster by executing the below command
kubectl apply -f [deployment.yaml]
Pod Disruption Budget:
Pod Disruption Budget help us to define how many minimum available and maximum unavailable pods must meet the condition even during disruption for stateful or stateless application. You can define minAvailable/maxUnavailable values either as integer or percentage.
1) You can configure Pod disruption budget in two ways:
minAvailable – Specified value/percentage of pod should be available always
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: pdb-myapp spec: minAvailable: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: myapp
maxUnavailable – Specified value/percentage of pod can be acceptable during disruption
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: pdb2-myapp spec: maxUnavailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: myapp
Note: minAvailable and maxUnavailable cannot be both set in a single yaml. You need to create two pod disruption budget if you are configuring both minAvailable and maxUnavailable for your application deployment
2) We have already deployed our application with label app: myapp. To configure pod disruption budget, save the above two PodDisruptionBudget yamls and deploy it in the kubernetes cluster by executing the below commands:
kubectl apply -f pdbmin.yaml kubectl apply -f pdbmax.yaml
Now Pod Disruption Budget is applied for the label app: myapp
3) Verify the pod disruption budgets by executing the below command:
kubectl get poddisruptionbudgets
Analyse Logs
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.

Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Sr. FSCM Business Systems Specialist
Information Technology
1.0 FTE, 8hr Day Shift
At Stanford Children’s Health, we know world-renowned care begins with world-class caring. That’s why we combine advanced technologies and breakthrough discoveries with family-centered care. It’s why we provide our caregivers with continuing education and state-of-the-art facilities, like the newly remodeled Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. And it’s why we need caring, committed people on our team – like you. Join us on our mission to heal humanity, one child and family at a time.
The Sr. Business System Specialist plans, analyzes, develops, implements and monitors business and program processes, operation systems, and efficient business systems. Develops system applications for department and coordinates and carries out assignments independently. Serves as the subject matter expert on multiple application/business areas. Leads projects and provides direction to others.
Essential Functions:
- Analyzes, documents, develops and recommends business process design in the applicable area. Prepares and delivers informative and well-organized presentations. Provides project status reviews to stakeholders, process owners, and customers.
- Collaborates with department management and end-users on defining procedures.
- Evaluates business and program application systems’ functionality to identify gaps, measuring the solution impact to business operations. Serves as a liaison between the business and the project team to improve productivity, and developing and delivering training.
- Implements the design system solution and develops and designs the delivered solution(s).
- Manages and delivers technology projects and coordinates projects across multiple organizations and or project teams.
- Responsible for issue resolution with vendors.
- Scope of the job includes acting as a focal point for the reporting and triage of system problems within the department and collaborates with IT Department on changes, fixes, and updates to the department’s information systems and as the resource on the department’s workflow, policies, procedures; business objectives, regulatory requirements.
- Serves as Leader/Manager and Project Manager of assigned projects; serves as subject matter expert.
- Writes manuals/training materials and defines the scope of the training
Minimum Qualifications:
Education: Bachelor’s degree in a work-related discipline/field from an accredited college or university.
Experience: Six (6) years of progressively responsible and directly related work experience.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
- Ability to communicate complex concepts in simple form to cross-functional departments or teams.
- Ability to coordinate and manage facilities, equipment, supplies, and related resources as necessary for the project.
- Ability to diagnose and resolve routine, specialized, and advanced technology problems.
- Ability to establish a set of tasks and activities associated with an intended outcome and timeline.
- Ability to make effective oral presentations and prepare concise written reports to a variety of audiences.
- Ability to provide oversight for project(s) and all related activities in that setting, including quality assurance and safety.
- Ability to take action consistent with available facts, constraints, and anticipated consequences.
- Ability to use appropriate interpersonal skills to give information to and receive information from coworkers and clients in a tactfully and professional manner.
- Ability to use effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions and/or reaching conclusions.
- Knowledge of new technologies and maintain and stay abreast of updates and changes in the field.
IT Analyst (Software Developer)
Primary Duties:
- Design, implement, test, and maintain various software projects.
- Provide technical assistance for developed software.
- Discuss system requirements with end users and provide software suggestions and recommendations to help them understand potential limitations and challenges.
- Analyze and review data, report findings, interpret results, and make recommendations.
- Plan, organize, and prioritize time and workload to accomplish tasks and meet deadlines.
The Ideal Candidate:
The ideal candidate requires expertise in application development, specifically SQL Server, Java, Node.js, Spring, Hibernate, and JavaScript. The candidate chosen will require excellent communication, organization, and leadership skills.
Minimum Qualifications:
Min Education:Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems or Equivalent.
Apply by Mail:Send Resume to HR, 32985 Hamilton Court, Suite 100-D Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Published On : 26-Nov-2017